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Why games are important to the marketing strategy


As a marketing strategy, games are a great way to engage with customers and help increase sales. However, whether you're looking to capture new leads or keep existing ones engaged, there's an important question: what makes people want to play?

With so many options available online, from games like Solitaire to new platforms such as Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends that have become popular over the past few years, it can be difficult for businesses—especially those who aren't already gamers themselves—to decide which platform they should use when they want their customers to engage with them through interactive entertainment.

Games have been around for thousands of years, originating long before their adoption as a digital pastime.

Games have been around for thousands of years, originating long before their adoption as a digital pastime. In fact, one of the earliest forms of game was used as an educational tool in Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Egyptians used boards with different shapes to teach children about geometry and math; the Mesopotamians played board games that mirrored real-life situations like conflict resolution and money management.

Both these cultures saw playing games as an important part of teaching children how to live their lives, rather than simply distracting them from it. They also understood that there is a difference between play time and work time—a concept we may need to relearn after all these years glued to our screens!

With the advent of internet, games took on a new dimension, reaching out to new players via social networking sites and electronic distribution platforms.

With the advent of internet, games took on a new dimension, reaching out to new players via social networking sites and electronic distribution platforms. These days, you can find games in every sector and industry. They are used as marketing tools by companies to promote their brands and products. They also help in keeping your existing customers engaged with the brand or service.

Games have become an important tool for businesses because they offer great opportunities for:

  • Branding - Games are an excellent way to make yourself known among potential customers or clients

  • Customer retention - Games help you retain your existing customers by creating a sense of loyalty towards your company

  • Product/service promotion - With games being so popular nowadays, marketers can use them as a medium for advertising their products or services

For example, when you play a game, you tend to become more engaged with it.

Games can be addicting and educational, and they're also a social experience. In this way, games are similar to other forms of entertainment. For example, when you watch a movie or read a book, you tend to become more engaged with it and more interested in the story as opposed to simply watching or reading passively without any motivation to engage. However, unlike movies and books which are passive activities with no interactivity at all (you just sit back), games require players to make decisions which affect how the game plays out; this makes them even more engaging than typical forms of entertainment like movies or books because players feel like they have an active role in deciding how certain situations turn out as well as what happens next within each game they play -- whether it's beating an opponent in combat or saving lives from disaster scenarios by making good choices between available options during gameplay."

Games also help kill time and provide something to do while commuting or waiting in line at the store.

You can play games anywhere, anytime. You can play them on your phone or tablet, you can play them at your desk, and you can even play them while waiting for a friend (or bus). In fact, the only time that people don't have time to play games anymore is when they're on an airplane or in line at the grocery store.

Games are also excellent ways to kill time while commuting or waiting in lines. The graphics are rich enough to keep your attention and make playing it feel like an adventure instead of just being bored out of your mind. And since we're talking about games here—and not the game itself—you'll never run into any trolls who slow down progress by trying their luck with winning every match!

They can be a great source of entertainment and an effective method of encouraging visitors to stay on your site for longer periods of time.

Games can be a great source of entertainment, and they're also an effective method of encouraging visitors to stay on your site for longer periods of time. Games are fun to play, whether they're mobile or desktop-based; they can be addictive and some people may find themselves playing them continuously until they get tired.

Games can be played at any time of the day by anyone who has access to the internet, so there's no excuse not to play! And if you have children (or are one yourself), then games are an excellent way for them to learn about different concepts like mathematics, science or history through interactive learning experiences that take place in a virtual world that simulates real-life scenarios with characters and settings from within their imaginations - which makes this type of learning much more interesting than reading textbooks alone!

From online communities to e-commerce stores and companies, games are becoming the preferred engagement device for an increasing number of businesses.

The appeal of games is obvious, especially when it comes to engaging your customers. Games are fun and engaging. They can be used to motivate behaviour, build trust and get feedback on products or services. Games can also be used in e-commerce stores as a way for users to interact with products before buying them, as well as after they have purchased them (see: reviews).

Today there are many ways in which companies incorporate game mechanics into their workflows - some examples include gamification platforms like Bunchball or Badgeville which allow businesses to create their own rewards programs; implementing achievements that unlock new features on websites such as LinkedIn by completing specific tasks within each platform; or creating games in which users compete against each other for prizes through social networks like Facebook.

Businesses can utilize the game platform for marketing purposes or as part of their customer service strategy.

As a marketer, you can use games to engage customers and boost brand loyalty. Games can be used as a marketing tool or integrated into your customer service strategy.

For example:

  • Game-based learning programs are an effective way to teach children about finances in a fun and engaging way by turning financial literacy into a game.

  • A business that provides security services could create an escape room game themed around preventing workplace theft, which would act as both an on-site training exercise for employees and also serve as valuable advertising for the business’s products and services (and perhaps even its own escape room).

Game enthusiasts like to win, so offering some incentive for playing games can be an effective way to get people involved in your brand and build loyalty. for example digital rewards and coupons.

Incentives are a great way to get people involved in your brand and build loyalty. For example, digital rewards and coupons can be given away for playing games.

For instance, the first few players who complete a game could be rewarded with discounts or freebies, while those who achieve high scores may also receive special prizes and giveaways.


Gaming has become a popular form of entertainment, with more people playing games than ever before. With so many games available online and on mobile devices, there's no shortage of options for everyone from children to adults. However, if you are looking for ways to incorporate gaming into your business strategy or marketing plan, there are plenty of ways that it can be helpful! In addition to providing an enjoyable experience for customers and employees alike (who doesn't want some downtime?), games offer businesses a way to engage with their audience and build loyalty by offering prizes or rewards. Gretxp provides an option to add gamification to any website in no time. Create game designs and customise look and feel to fit any website. Track progress on the dashboard. Write to us at or check


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